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Technology at Country Day is purposeful and reflects the mission of the School to cultivate in each student a lifelong passion for learning, to help each student realize their academic potential through a challenging and varied curriculum, and to not only foster the acquisition of knowledge but also, its application in analytical, creative, and expressive ways that make learning meaningful. In fulfilling these goals, Country Day does not rely on one form of technology to fulfill these core beliefs. Instead, the School utilizes various technologies that are appropriate no matter what the age of the student, the curriculum or accessibility needs, or the ultimate classroom goal.  

Importantly, technology at Country Day is always evolving in keeping with educational needs. The School has an Information Literacy and Services Department that maintains the School’s technology infrastructure and includes two libraries and Education Technology. The Board of Trustees has a Technology Committee dedicated to ensuring that the School has a strategic plan for its technology needs that sees the School well into its future – both in terms of the ability to fund such needs and in terms of making sure the School remains at the forefront of technology that not only furthers the School’s mission but also, makes the business of running the School work effectively and efficiently.