Every gift makes an impact on the Country Day community.
For over 65 years, The Savannah Country Day School has been sustained through the generosity of alumni, parents, grandparents and friends who have made supporting SCDS a priority.
All contributions, whether to The Fund for Country Day annual fund, our current Invest in Excellence capital campaign or an endowed gift through The Heritage Society, directly impacts the student experience.
Country Day's strong tradition of philanthropy strengthens the school today and ensures the promise of tomorrow.
Giving At-A-Glance
You may be surprised to learn that tuition does not cover the full price of educating a Country Day student. As a result, Country Day (along with all Independent Schools nationwide) raise philanthropic dollars to help cover the remaining costs. The array of funding requests can be overwhelming to parents, who can seldom support every initiative.
The Fund for Country Day
Our top giving priority and the cornerstone of our annual fundraising efforts, The Fund for Country Day provides $600,000+ of unrestricted funds for the operating budget, allowing SCDS to adapt quickly to changing needs during the year. The Fund bolsters budgets across all divisions and extracurriculars benefitting faculty, students, programs and resources throughout SCDS.
Invest in Excellence Campaign
An exciting campaign — Invest in Excellence — that includes campus improvements to better meet the needs of students and to continue to attract quality families to Country Day.
The School's endowment takes pressure off of the operating budget. Dividends from an endowment support salaries & benefits, faculty development and financial aid.
Legacy Giving: The Heritage Society
By naming Country Day in a will, life insurance policy, charitable remainder trust or charitable gift annuities, you are helping to ensure Country Day's financial future.
Apogee / GA Private School Income Tax Credit
Allows you to redirect your Georgia state income tax dollars to Country Day!