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Cultural Competency & Inclusion

At Savannah Country Day, we believe in the transformative power of education that goes beyond textbooks and classrooms. Our commitment to cultural competency and inclusion is at the heart of our educational philosophy. We strive to create a vibrant and nurturing environment where every student feels a profound sense of belonging, and we are committed to cultivating a community where all experiences, backgrounds, identities, and abilities are valued and respected. Through a range of inclusive initiatives and programs, we create an atmosphere where each student feels seen, heard, and empowered to thrive academically and personally. 
Lower School

Lower School students participate in monthly initiatives focused on cultural awareness, self-awareness and empathy. The 3rd-5th grade students put on an annual multi-cultural potluck. Students experience various food tastings, cultural traditions, games, and more.

Middle School

Student Diversity Club: Middle School is an opportune place for students to foster and engage in dialogue related to Cultural Competency and Inclusion. This important dialogue brings awareness to issues in the Middle School and provides solutions and strategies to navigate these issues. 

Upper School

Our Upper School club, Students Celebrating Diversity, brings awareness to the larger SCDS community. Every year we send a cohort of students to the NAIS Student Diversity Leadership Conference. Students Celebrating Diversity adhere to the following goals:

We educate ourselves and the greater community; create an environment that welcomes open and honest dialogues among everyone; emphasize empathy, tolerance, and acceptance; and work toward ending macro and microaggressions.

The 2024 Multicultural Festival featured a wide range of food and activities from the various cultures represented at Country Day. 

News & Happenings

SCDS Faculty and Staff Attend the 2024 NAIS People of Color Conference

Last week, nine members of our faculty, staff, and administration traveled to Denver, CO, to attend the 2024 NAIS People of Color Conference (PoCC). The conference is an annual professional development experience that enriches the culture and community of independent schools and provides attendees with opportunities to learn, network, and share insights. This year, our SCDS representatives participated in a variety of impactful workshops led by independent school educators from around the world. 

This year’s theme, “Meeting the Moment: Anchoring and Enriching Our Education Futures,” served as a powerful call to action, and attendees were inspired by keynote speakers such as Sekou Andrews, a celebrated spoken word poet; Kenji Yoshino, an NYU law professor and authority on constitutional and anti-discrimination law; and Karen Walrond, an author and leadership consultant who focuses on compassionate, values-driven leadership.

We are proud to have had such a strong presence at this meaningful event and look forward to incorporating the insights gained into our school community!

Global Getdown

Global Getdown is a student-submitted video series highlighting the cultural/religious heritage of some of our families. Click the link below to view the Global Getdown videos.

Global Getdown Videos 2024-2025

Global Getdown Videos 2023-2024

Global Getdown Videos 2022-2023

In accordance with our mission, core beliefs, and strategic plan, we seek to foster and affirm a diverse and inclusive community at Savannah Country Day School.  Members of this community reflect varied and multi-faceted backgrounds and identities and acknowledge these differences with sensitivity and respect.  This community is critical to nurturing a sense of belonging in each student and inspiring lifelong intellectual and personal growth in all.

Meet the CCI Team

Karen Brown

Director of Cultural Competency and Inclusion

Sara Bocanegra

Middle School Spanish Teacher (6th & 7th Grade), Middle School Cultural Competency & Inclusion Co-Coordinator

Merritt Graves

Lower School Music Teacher, Lower School Cultural Competency & Inclusion Coordinator

Jennifer Sams

Little School Teacher, Little School Cultural Competency & Inclusion Coordinator, Little School Cultural Competency and Inclusion Coordinator

At SCDS we understand the importance of celebrating our similarities while also recognizing that we are human individuals with diverse identities, including, but not limited to:
- ethnicity
- nationality

- age
- gender identity
- ability
- race
- religion
- sexual orientation
- family structure
- socioeconomic status